Archive: 2020/7



1. Invoking GDB1. specifying an executable programThe most usual way to start GDB is with one argument, specifying an executable program: 1> gdb program 2. an executable program and a core fileY


Process Id

1. ps12345678910111213141516# all process> ps -efUID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD> ps -auxUSER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND## PID: colum


Debug in Linux

Debug in LinuxTool listperformance profiling: perf trace, ftrace, strace, lstrace Two main classes of debugging tool today: checker (static and dynamic) did my code do bad thing x, y, z? Example


shell keyboard shortcut

tecmint ostechnix github help Move Cursor on The Command Line Ctrl+A or Home – moves the cursor to the start of a line. Ctrl+E or End – moves the cursor to the end of the line. Ctrl+B or Left Ar